System Monitoring with Checkmk - Part 2: Advanced Topics [English]

Five-day training in advanced Checkmk topics

Have you attended our first course System Monitoring with Checkmk - Part 1: Basics already, or have comparable knowledge through practical experience?

Then the second part of our Checkmk training is just right for you: Here you will learn about other important Checkmk modules, such as the Event Console, BI (Business Intelligence), the alert handler, reporting and the availability calculation. We also deepen topics from the first part: With distributed monitoring, we show you how alerting, Inventory and event processing work in a distributed environment. Last but not least, you will learn important internal information from Checkmk, which offer you new possibilities in daily practice -
especially on the command line.

This course picks up where our basic course System Monitoring with Checkmk - Part 1: Basics left off.

Course content

Advanced site administration

  • omd diff,
  • Backup with omd backup and omd restore

Checkmk on the command line

  • Working with the cmk command
  • Overview of the file system – what is stored where
  • Editing config files by hand
  • Store config files in a git repository 
  • Reading log files
  • Livestatus queries

Advanced features of Checkmk

  • Simulating complex environments on a test system
  • Monitoring clusters
  • Administration with the REST API
  • Dynamic configuration

The Checkmk Micro Core

  • Architecture and advantages of the CMC

The Managed Service Edition

  • Advantages of the CME

Notifications, part 2

  • Bulknotifications
  • Synchronous notifications via SMTP
  • Writing custom notification scripts

BI – Business Intelligence

  • Representing business processes
  • BI in distributed monitoring
  • Turning BI aggregations into 'normal' checks

The Event Console

  • Difference between states and events
  • Structure and features of event rules
  • Automatic and manual triggering of actions

Alert Handler

  • Automatic execution of actions in the event of service problems


  • Using instant reports
  • Creating custom reports
  • Availability evaluation with Checkmk


  • Activation
  • Additional data with agent plugin
  • Export inventory data

Distributed monitoring, part 2

  • The livestatus proxy daemon
  • Event Console, notifications and inventory in a distributed setup
  • Encryption

User management via LDAP

  • Connecting Active Directory and OpenLDAP
  • Mapping LDAP groups to contact groups and roles
  • LDAP and distributed monitoring

The metric system, part 2

  • Creating custom graphs
  • Tuning and converting
  • Forecast graphs 

Extending Checkmk

  • Usage of Checkmk packages (MKPs)
  • Create MKPs
  • MKPs and distributed monitoring
  • Local checks, MRPE


  • Introduction to NagVis
  • Creating maps


Language: English

Length: 5 days

Minimum no. of attendees: 3

Target audience: Checkmk Administrators

Requirements: Knowledge from part 1 or comparable Basics knowledge of the Linux command line

Price: €3.213,00€ (incl. VAT)

Book now

  • 08/19/2024, Checkmk GmbH (Online) (full)