Check-Manual von aws_wafv2_web_acl

AWS WAFV2: Web ACL Requests

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten Aws
This check monitors the number of requests for Web ACLs based on the CloudWatch metrics "AllowedRequests" and "BlockedRequests". It reports the number of allowed and blocked requests as well as the sum of these two, which is the total number of requests. These metrics are reported as average rates measured in requests per second. Furthermore, the check also reports the percentage of allowed and blocked requests with respect to the total number of requests.

There are no default levels for this check. Upper levels on the percentages can be configured using the rule "AWS/WAFV2 Web ACL Requests".

To make this check work, you have to configure the related special agent Amazon Web Services (AWS). Note that when configuring the agent, there is the option to include Web ACLs in front of CloudFront resources in the monitoring.


One service is created.