Check-Manual von cisco_qos

Cisco Routers: Usage of QoS Classes

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten SNMP
This check monitors the usage of QoS classes on Cisco routers using the information provided by the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB SNMP MIB.

The check creates one service for each interface+class combination.

The check results in critical/warning states when the there are any packets dropped for this class by default. It is possible to set thresholds on the traffic rate in this QoS class to raise warnings/criticals when the traffic exceeds a given level. The drop thresholds can be customized too.


A string: A combination of the interface name as set in IF-MIB::ifDescr and the name of the QoS class as given in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB::cbQosCMName.


One service is created for each combination of IF-MIB::ifDescr and CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB::cbQosCMName.