Check-Manual von emcvnx_mirrorview

EMC VNX Storage: Mirror View State

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten EMC VNX
This check monitors the mirror view state and faulted state of logical units such as disks or tape drives which are adressed to a EMC VNX storage system by logical unit numbers (LUN).

The information is retrieved by the special agent agent_emcvnx which uses EMC's command line tool naviseccli.

Only the active logical units are monitored. The service states can be as following: Active logical units are OK, inactive ones are treated as CRIT and logical units with the state 'Attention' are WARN.

Furthermore the faulted mirror view state can be:

- NO would be OK

- Yes would be CRIT.


The logical unit number.


One service is created for each logical unit.