Check-Manual von emcvnx_raidgroups_capacity_contiguous

EMC VNX Storage: Contiguous Free Capacity in RAID Groups

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten EMC VNX
Checks the Usage of RAID Groups in an EMC VNX storage system. In contrast to the Check emcvnx_raidgroups.capacity this check rates only the biggest free contiguous group of unbound segments as "free". Fragmented space is rated as used.

The Check uses the check logic of the df check, so for configuration parameters and examples please refer to the man page of df.

The information is retriefed by the special agent agent_emcvnx which uses EMC's command line tool naviseccli. Capacity is retriefed in blocks. For calculation of size in MB the check assumes a blocksize of 512 Bytes.


The RAID Group ID.


One service is created for each RAID Group listed in the agent output.