Check-Manual von fileinfo

Age and Size of Files

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten Windows Linux Freebsd Macosx Solaris AIX
This check monitors the size and age of specific files in the target host's filesystem. You can set lower and upper limits on both the modification time and the size of a file. When the file is missing then the check will go UNKNOWN.

This check needs some configuration in the agent, as the agent needs to know the information about which files need to be sent.

Currently Windows, Linux, FREEBSD, MACOSX and Solaris agents supports this type of check.

For windows, the configuration is done in check_mk.ini in the section [fileinfo]. Put one or more entries of the format path = C:\Some Dir\*.log into this section. The agent will send all files that match the pattern.

For Linux, FREEBSD, MACOSX and Solaris the configuration is done via fileinfo.cfg located in the $MK_CONFDIR (usually /etc/check_mk/fileinfo.cfg). To add files to the check, simply add one path pattern /tmp/*.log per line.

Globbing patterns are used to filter the files, e.g. /var/*/*.


The complete path name of the file is sent by the agent (this is case sensitive even when monitoring Windows). Please note: when referring to the item in {check_parameters}, make sure that backslashes (contained in Windows paths) are properly quoted. You need one escape level for the Python string and one for the regular expression. If you prefix the Python string with a {r}, then just the regular expression needs its double backslash (see examples). Without the {r} you would need four backslashes in a row in order to denote one backslash in the file's path.


One service is created for each file that the agent sends.