Check-Manual von hitachi_hnas_vnode

Hitachi HNAS: Status of Virtual Nodes (VNodes or EVS)

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten SNMP
Checks the status of Virtual Nodes (VNodes, also called EVS) in Hitachi HNAS storage systems. It was tested against Hitachi HNAS Modell 3090 but probably will work for other HNAS devices too - give it a try.

Returns OK if the reported state is "onLine". Returns CRIT on state "offLine" and UNKN on every other state.

The PNode it runs on and the admin status are displayed just for info.


If SNMP returns a name of the VNode, the item is build up combining the ID and this name. Otherwise it's just the ID.


One service is created for each VNode in the HNAS system.