Check-Manual von mcafee_emailgateway_entities

McAfee Email Gateway: Entities

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten SNMP
This check reports the health status of miscellaneous entities and services such as Temperature, Voltage, Power Supplies, Cooling, Other Modules, UPS, Bridge, RAID, AV DAT, AV Engine, Spam DAT, Spam Engine, Config Antirelay, Encryption, SMTP, POP3, EPO, TQM-Server, GTI Message, GTM Feedback, GTI File, RBL, R-Syslog, Remote Syslog, LDAP, Remove LDAP, SNMPd, Remove DNS, NTP, WEBMC, Eventhandler, SMTP Retryer, Spam Updater, Postgres, RMD Merge. of McAfee Email gateways which support the MCAFEE-MEG MIB.

The state is OK if the device reports healthy, WARN if the state is operational but requires attention, requires attention, end of life reached, near end of life, disabled, not applicable, CRIT if it is corrupt dats, corrupt configuration, requires immediate attention, critical and UNKNOWN otherwise.


Title of the entity (e.g. {{RAID}}, {{Cooling}}, etc.)


One service is created.